Weekly Newsletter

After the lovely warm, sunny weather we have been enjoying, Spring is just a few days away. I’m sure there’s more to come.

Our Women’s 3 Day Tournament is only a couple of weeks away.  Total Golf joins Abbey Road and Dolphin Encounter as one of our sponsors this year – I have attached some info on services they are offering to members, which may be of interest.

VOLUNTEERS PLEASE – with the above tournament and the Pro Am coming up a general clean up around the clubhouse and gardens is needed. If you can help on Monday, 2nd September, please report to the greenkeepers shed for instructions.

Last week’s winners:

TuesdayMonkeys Mob
Peter Harvey 36, Mark Ingham, Terry Clark, Rimas Maciulaitis, Richard Howard 31.  
Judy York 73, Sue Baldwin 74.  
Thursday  Vets
Neville Smith 40, Rimas Maciulaitits 38, Ted Howard 37, Rod Ensor 36, Barney Muir 34.   9-Holers Pauline Clifford 19, Betty Van Berkel 18.  

Ladies – LGU
Silver Chrissie Mackie 79, Bronze – Barb Ford 71, and winner of the Goblet, Frances Tapiata 74. Twos – Barb Ford No. 4, Karin Rouse No.8.

Whalewatch “Hey Blokes No Jokes” Charity Tournament
Congratulations to the top 3 players this week going through to the final – George Naranga 42, Jeremy Steele 40, Barb Ford 37.
Novice – Graham Reid, CTP – Rory Alexander No. 18.
Longest Drive – Jeremy Steele No. 9, Shayne Scott No. 16.  
Heather Jones, Chris Telfer 40.  

Men – Mogeridge Cup Alan Hickey 0, Eddie Eaton, Richard Baxter -1, Peter Harvey -2.
Two’s – Rick Hughes No. 4, Barrie Graham No. 18.

This week’s programme:

TuesdayMonkey’s Mob – Stableford 11 am.
WednesdayLadies – Irish Stableford.
ThursdayVets – Mixed Stableford 11.00am, 9 Holers 12 noon.
SaturdayLadies – LGU 11:30 am.   Whalewatch “Hey Blokes No Jokes” Charity Tournament Tee off between 9 am and 12 noon.
Sunday9-Holers – 9:30am SPRING TOURNAMENT – 11.30am Canadian Foursomes Mixed and Men’s.

That’s it from me.

Have a good week.
